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Strategic Planning

During Phase 1 of our strategic planning process, the university developed Vision Elements and Key Actions. 为了实现博天堂官方2030年的愿景,成为一个西班牙裔服务机构是 highlighted as a critical component of our Students First and Empowering Inclusivity Vision Elements.

在UNC战略计划的第二阶段,我们的社区将通过以下方式继续这项工作 following key action items:

  • Key Action 1: 确保整个大学都做好了充分的准备,以服务和成功的培养 每一个学生的成长,通过与他们见面,提供服务,工具,资源, 参与和机会,帮助他们在探索,扩展和 achieving their ambitions and fullest potential.
  • Key Action 3: 培养一个所有学生、教师和员工都感到受欢迎的社区和文化 为了培育一个充满活力和建设性的环境,他们需要包容、安全、有价值 well suited to collective and individual success.

Key Moments On Our Journey

Our working Definition of Servingness

北科罗拉多大学是一所致力于服务学生的大学 西班牙裔、墨西哥裔和拉丁裔的学生、教职员工、校友、 the local community, and our region. Based on the principles of diversity, equity, 包容、公正和归属感,我们将制定和实施政策、结构、 和文化响应教学法和实践,以提高教育和职业 attainment, as well as social mobility, of these populations. Through the success 成为联邦指定的恒生指数,加上深思熟虑和有意的努力 为大学社区的所有成员提供服务,我们将为 每个学生取得成功的同时,也在缩小教育公平差距方面有所收获 at our university. In addition, UNC will continue its long tradition of preparing and graduating leaders who serve and enrich Colorado's culture and economy. We know 这样做将对人们的生活和我们国家的未来产生积极影响.

Key Events and Programs

在我们成为科罗拉多州下一个拉美裔服务机构的旅程中,各位是我们的重要合作伙伴 have come to share insight and celebrate institutional accomplishments. These events 是否有策略性地记录,以突出工作成果,并与成员分享工作成果 of the UNC and Colorado communities who weren't able to attend.

Hispanic Serving Institutions In Practice: A Guide

Dr. Gina Garcia is a leading scholar on Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) who is 致力于与hsi一起倡导并支持hsi,以改变学院和大学 that serve the most diverse student populations. On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, Dr. 加西亚激励我们UNC社区批判性地思考我们如何才能实现公平 毕业率,同时也提供文化丰富的教育经验.

UNC: Colorado's Next Hispanic Serving Institution

On Tuesday, Oct. 18, UNC hosted Dr. Roberto Montoya, chief educational equity officer 为科罗拉多高等教育部门,为他在全州范围内的结束 tour of HSIs. During the event, UNC leadership highlighted long-standing efforts to 为西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生提供服务,并庆祝最近的机构成就. Dr. Montoya also took the opportunity to launch Colorado’s statewide consortium of HSIs alongside Dr. Manuel del Real of MSU-Denver.

How We Accomplish our Mission




Empowering latine identifying students through a network of support


Cultivating a distinct advantage where diversity and inclusion are celebrated

Fiscal Year 2022-23 Outcomes

经过两年的重点规划,与大学成员的对话,然后 staff and faculty readiness initiatives, Dr. Tobias Guzmán, VP of the Division of 《博天堂官方网站》为2022-2023年制定了以下成果 fiscal year.

Fall 2022

  • Appoint one faculty and one staff HSI Fellow 协助在学术界和行政界实施人文科学指数 of practice (Aug. 1)
  • 制定计划性的举措,在整个校园协调,与 使命和服务定义,这反映了西班牙/拉丁文化(9月11日). 1 — Ongoing)
  • 加强校园与利益相关者的沟通,建立沟通渠道 与建立HSI机构相关的目标、计划和策略. 20)
  • 使用2022年HSI/DEI调查的数据,其他2022年机构调查工具, 和教育咨询委员会(EAB)的报告,以确定未来的行动和关键 areas of emphasis for HSI preparation and readiness (Oct. 1)
  • 阐明UNC对HSI和服务的工作定义,以确保一致性 为今后的校园规划、行动步骤提供一个共同的参考点 and performance measurement (Oct. 15)
  • 参加HACU会议,邀请重要的校园成员参加 以改善HACU组织内的学习、网络和专业关系 (Oct. 15)
  • Form a campus-wide HSI Steering Committee 开展已成立的介绍性工作组的前期工作 in Phase 1 and concluded in Phase 2 (Oct. 31)
  • 确定特定的校园单位,以促进与文化相关的专业发展 以增加和保持西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生,教师的数量 and staff at UNC. Examples include: admissions, financial aid, and academic affairs leadership and others (Oct. 31)

Spring 2023

  • 与大学促进部合作,设计增加发展活动的策略; 校友和社区参与,以及多语言机构沟通和 marketing efforts related to HSI implementation (Jan. 15)
  • 通过协调的计划性举措继续参与校园社区 并与使命和服务定义保持一致,这反映了西班牙裔/拉丁裔 culture (Feb. 1 — Ongoing)
  • 与重点校园单位合作,制定符合文化的增长策略 以及维持西班牙裔/拉丁裔学生、教职员工数量的策略 at UNC (April 1)
  • 收集当前的定性和定量数据,并构建一套度量标准和 目标,因为我们准备申请联邦西班牙裔服务机构指定 (April 15)
  • 与UNC办公室的同事一起调查竞争性HSI资助方案 of Research and Sponsored Programs, as well as university faculty and staff. Utilize 这些澄清能力建设要求的努力在申请时极具竞争性 funding when HSI designation is realized (May 1)


“成为一所拉美裔服务机构不仅仅是招收拉丁裔学生. It 是为了确保我们所有的学生都能在他们的教育旅程中茁壮成长. 这意味着解决公平差距,建设真正服务和准备的能力 new generations of emerging leaders and professionals in Colorado.”

— Jonathan Alcantar, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair of Chicana/o and latinx Studies